Mastering Beef Wellington

Beef Wellington is a timeless recipe and in recent years has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity.   We are thrilled to bring it together in this online cooking class, where we show you all of the steps to create a special meal.  The use of puff pastry and duxelles (a mixture of finely chopped mushrooms, shallots, and herbs) in the dish reflects French culinary techniques that do not go out of style!   Come for the beef wellington, but wait until you try the potatoes!   

Individual Beef Wellington
Haricot vert (French Green Beans)
Fondant Potatoes

Class Length: 90 Minutes

Cost: $30 

What You'll Get:  Full Ingredient & Equipment list, step-by-step cooking guide, recipe package & class video download automatically sent to your inbox.  


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Beef Wellington!